About The
Fresh Fruit

The California Fresh Fruit Association (formerly the California Grape & Tree Fruit League) is a voluntary, nonprofit agricultural trade association that represents California’s fresh fruit industry.

The California Fresh Fruit Association (CFFA) is the key public policy organization that represents the needs and interests of its members by advocating on behalf of its members on legislative and regulatory issues, at state, federal and international levels. Through the daily presence of the CFFA’s representatives in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., the organization actively monitors legislative and regulatory activity on such issues as farm labor, crop protection materials, marketing requirements, environmental resources, trade, packaging, transportation and other issues of importance. The Association is one of the oldest agricultural trade associations in California, with its origins dating back to 1921 with the California Growers and Shippers Protective League and 1936 with the California Grape Growers and Shippers Association. In 1948, together, these organizations merged into the California Grape & Tree Fruit League. From that early time, CGTFL witnessed a great amount of growth, support and loyalty. In 2014, the California Grape & Tree Fruit League formally became the California Fresh Fruit Association. The organization continues today by representing its members in all aspects of public policy.

1954 CGTFL Newspaper
History Image

CFFA’s membership is comprised of more than 300 members, including growers, shippers and marketers of fresh grapes, blueberries and tree fruit, and it also includes associate members who are indirectly involved with these commodities (for example, labeling equipment, container/packaging suppliers, commodity groups). The membership is primarily located in the San Joaquin Valley, though there are members located as far north as Lake County and as far south as Coachella Valley. The CFFA-represented commodities include apricots, apples, blueberries, cherries, figs, kiwis, nectarines, peaches, pears, persimmons, plums, pomegranates and fresh grapes. Membership of the Association represents approximately 85% of the volume of fresh grapes and 95% percent of volume for deciduous tree fruit shipped from California.

Member participation drives the actions and/or policies of the organization. CFFA’s effectiveness is founded in its structure that relies on the involvement of its members through standing committee participation. It is here that members can vet through the issues and make appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors. It is due to the high level of involvement of its members that the Association has been and continues to be an effective advocate.