A Member
Becoming a member of the California Fresh Fruit Association offers not only the opportunity for productive networking with other members in the industry, it allows you to provide input and become actively involved in the issues that impact your business on a day-to-day basis.
The Association was created and continues to be a grassroots organization that tackles the challenges that are most important to fresh fruit growers and shippers. The Association facilitates networking through a variety of events and forums each year. In addition, the Association also offers an attractive 401(k) plan and a health insurance program for farm laborers.

Benefits – Membership with the California Fresh Fruit Association enables participation in several valuable programs including:
- Alerus Retirement Solutions Program
- Rain and Hail Crop Insurance
- C.H. Robinson Logistics & Transportation
- Zenith Agribusiness Property & Casualty
- Zenith Workers’ Compensation Program
Types of Membership
Grower: engaged in growing grapes, berries, and/or deciduous tree fruit but not shipping or marketing the same.
Shipper: engaged in shipping as the person who pays the required assessments to the California Table Grape Commission, California Kiwifruit Commission or similar organizations and/or who first puts grapes, berries, and/or deciduous tree fruit into commerce by loading in carlots, or the equivalent thereof, by other forms of transportation, irrespective of whether or not also engaged in the growing of same.
Marketer: exclusively engaged in marketing grapes, berries, and/or deciduous tree fruit but not growing or shipping the same.
Associate: not engaged in growing, shipping or marketing grapes, berries, and/or deciduous tree fruit but interested in the objectives and purposes of the Association.
Honorary: a member can only be placed in this category by the Board of Directors.
All members (except honorary) pay annual membership dues and those grower or shipper operations that are responsible for placing the fresh commodity into commerce are responsible for paying a per box assessment.
The grower, shipper and marketer members are estimated to account for 85% of the state’s production of table grapes and deciduous tree fruit.
All new members must be approved by the Board of Directors before a company or individual can join CFFA. The Board meets on a quarterly basis and an Annual Membership meeting is held each March. It is during the Annual Membership meeting that the members approve a one-year term for Board members.